5 ways that our baby record book is different from other baby record books

Our luxury baby record book cover with baby photographs scattered around it

If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent ages scouring the internet for the perfect baby record book. You’ve probably looked at so many that you’re starting to lose track of which ones you like and which ones you don’t. So with this in mind, I thought I’d share with you 5 ways that This is Your Story is different from other baby record books and why it might just be the end of your search.

What is a baby record book?

A baby record book is a place to record and remember all of the memories, milestones and magical moments that happen during your child’s early years. You can record everything from your pregnancy right through to your child’s first birthday and beyond. As well as recording birth stats and key developmental milestones, you can write about things you have done together, special moments you’ve shared, what your child does and doesn’t like, the favourite things to do etc.

You can also add in your favourite photographs and any other special items, such as their hospital wristband from birth and birth announcement card (not sure what this is? See ‘What is a birth announcement and do I need to send one?’). The end result is a beautiful book that’s full of memories that you can relive time and time again and share with your child as they get older. It’s an item that will be treasured by both the parent(s) and the child.

What’s different about our baby record book?

You might think that all baby record books are the same, but this is not the case. Apart from the way they look, which can have a big impact on whether or not you like it, the content inside can also be really different. Choosing the right book for you depends on what you like and how you see yourself using the book. When I was designing This is Your Story, there were some key features that I wanted to include. Features that I felt were missing from existing baby record books. I just couldn’t find the book I’d imagined in my mind, which is why I ended up designing one.

Here’s a look at some of the features, that make this baby record book different from all of the others.

  1. It’s a luxury ring binder

    One of the most frustrating things about other baby books is that you can’t customise them to suit you. I wanted to create a baby record book that allowed you to add and remove pages, giving you the flexibility to record your own memories in your own way. The binder is printed with a textured padded cover, gold foiling and gold corner protectors, giving it a beautiful, luxurious finish. The icing on the cake? It lays completely flat, so it’s really easy to write in.

  2. It’s not cutesy

    Having a baby doesn’t mean you suddenly need to inject an abundance of sweet little animals, soft pinks and baby blues into your life. I wanted to create something a little cooler than the norm, something that offered everything you would want in a baby record book, whilst appealing to your love of beautiful stationery products. This book is a modern, design-led product with a bright, colourful cover and simple, minimalist pages inside. And not a fluffy teddy bear in sight.

  3. The pages are big

    There’s nothing worse than having to write really small in order to fit everything onto a page, or really getting into your writing only to discover you’ve ran out of room. Our pages are 25 x 28cm so you’ll have plenty of space to write your memories, milestones and magical moments down, as well as stick in all of your favourite photographs. And thanks to the design of the book, you can even add in more writing pages should you need to.

  4. You can document from 0 to 5 years old

    Children change so much in the first 5 years of their life, that I didn’t want the book to end at their first birthday. So there’s a huge section for years 1 - 5, allowing you to record all of the subtle changes that happen after they turn one, because once one phase moves into another, it’s often hard to remember the first one ever existed.

  5. It uses ‘prompts’ instead of questions

    An endless amount of closed questions can often make baby record books seem a little formal and lacking in personality. So rather than questions, my book uses ‘prompts’ to guide your writing. These prompts give you enough structure to know what to write, but with the flexibility to interpret each section in your own way. This means you can record your memories in your own way and create something that is truly unique and full of personality.

If these sound like the kid of features you’d love to see in your baby record book, follow the link below to shop our collection. We offer free delivery on all of our books and they usually arrive within 5 working days.

Shop our baby record books now.


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