5 apps that new parents will love


I don't know how anyone parented before smart phones (with slightly more concentration perhaps). There are so many great apps available. As a mother of two, I have tried and tested quite a lot of them and it has to be said, along with the great ones, there are also a lot of crap ones. So which ones are worth the storage space?

  1. BackThen

    Thanks to camera phones, it’s all too easy to take 9347 photographs a day of our kids, most never to see the light of day again. In steps BackThen, an Instagram style app that allows you to share your favourite photographs and videos with family and friends. Simply create you account, invite family and friends and then start uploading the best bits to your private timeline. Your nearest and dearest can even like and comment on their faves.

    Everything is uploaded in date order (the date the photo/video was taken) and it’s so fun going back through your timeline and revisiting old photographs.

  2. Baby Feed Timer

    It does exactly what it says on the tin - it tracks your babies feeds. I found this really useful, especially as a first time Mum. I used it to time each feed and to remember which side baby last fed from (easy to forget at 3am). You can also track bottle feeds, nappy changes, sleep and growth.

  3. The Wonder Weeks

    This popular app provides week-by-week updates on your child’s development. It’s really interesting to read through and discover where your child is at. Plus, if your vaguely-sleeping angel turns into a wailing insomniac, you may just discover it’s down to a developmental leap (phew!).

  4. 1 Second Everyday

    This app is amazing, I would recommend it to anyone. It allows you to create a movie made up of 1 second video snippets. I used it with both of my children, recording a short video every single day from their birth to their first birthday. The result was the most beautiful 5 minute (give or take) video of the first year of their life. AMAZING!

  5. Sound Sleeper

    This is a simple, but essential, white noise app. There’s a selection of white noise, nature sounds and lullabies that are perfect to help calm your baby. I used it every single day when my son was a newborn and it always seemed to calm him. Perfect for blocking out the noise of siblings too!


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