Don’t think you’ll have time for a baby record book?


There’s no denying it, having a baby is hard work. You’re sleep deprived and on demand 24/7. A baby record book can start to feel like just another job on the list. But it doesn’t have to. Here are my tips on keeping it easy and totally doable. It’s so worth it!


… wait for the perfect time, it won’t come.

...try to plan what you’re going to write, just write freely and from the heart.

...worry if it sometimes looks a bit messy, the beauty is in the mess.

...aim for perfect, it doesn’t need to be.

...get overwhelmed. It’s your book, do it your way.


…keep your baby book in your main living space for easy access

…keep a pen in the box (our book comes in a beautiful white gift box)

…treat it like a notebook, scribbling in it as and when

…write whatever comes to mind, there’s no right or wrong

…keep notes in your phone if you’re out and about to add in later


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