The only hospital packing list you’ll need

Do a quick Google search for hospital packing lists and you’ll get pages and pages of results, with lists ranging from the sparse and completely useless to the OTT and anxiety inducing. You’ll then start thinking that you’re better off reading through 4,5 or 6 lists just to get an idea of what is actually useful and what is totally useless. Before long you’ve been sucked into a hospital packing list vortex, 2 hours have passed and you’re completely overwhelmed.

The truth is, you don’t actually need that much. There’s a few essential bits, such as underwear and clean PJ’s and a few bits to help make the process of giving birth a little more comfortable, for example, an MP3 player and energy tablets. There’s also a few bits you’ll need for baby too, of course, but even they don’t need much. It is, however, useful to have a guide to help you pack, especially if you’re a first time mum. The thought of not packing something you need can be daunting and for what is rather a nerve wracking time anyway, it’s much nicer to be prepared.

The only hospital packing list you’ll need

I’ve been lucky enough to bring 2 beautiful babies into the world over the last 6 years (both by c-section, one emergency and one elective, you can read more about that here). My sister has also recently had 2 babies and between my close family and friends, there are another 6. That’s a total of 10 babies. Why is this relevant ? Well, we ALL used, and loved, this hospital packing list when getting ready to have our babies and it’s become more refined over the years, with each of us adding extra items and taking off the ones we didn’t really need. The end result is a concise and well honed packing list that will ensure you’ve got everything you need, without packing the kitchen sink.

One of my favourite additions came from my sister, who added ‘a cold drink’ to the list, but more specifically (there is, of course, water available in hospitals and vending machines should you want something with a little more punch) a frozen Capri-Sun. That’s right, those orange filled pouches we enjoyed as kids but with the added bonus of being frozen. Why frozen? Over the course of a long labour, the only way to keep your drink really cold is to freeze it first. You might think this is non-essential, but when you’ve been in labour for 16 hours and you’re hot, sweaty and exhausted, a freezing cold Capri-sun is EVERYTHING.

When to pack your bag

I would start thinking about your hospital bag at around 30 weeks. Download your packing list (link below) and print it out at home. Start working your way down the list and making sure you’ve got everything you need. You may find you need to order some items online or make a trip to the supermarket to get certain things, so it’s good to give yourself time to do this so that it doesn’t become stressful. It’s also useful to buy your shampoo, shower gel etc in mini sizes, so that it’s not taking up too much space in your bag. Don’t forget, anything that you’re planning to use on your body after you’ve had the baby needs to be really gentle (Original Source Mint & Tea Tree is a no no!).

Over the course of the next week or two, start collecting everything together (the new babies nursery is a perfect place to start collecting your hoard) and then, at around 33 weeks, grab your favourite overnight bag and start packing (eek, soooo exciting!!). Make sure you keep your hospital packing list handy (see download link below) and check off each item as it goes into the bag.

If you pack everything on this list, you can’t go far wrong, and by the time baby starts making it’s entrance into the world, you will be prepped and ready to go!

Your hospital packing list

For you…

  • Phone and charger

  • Speaker (to listen to a “push playlist” during labour)

  • Book and/or tablet with headphones

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste

  • Shampoo

  • Mild shower gel

  • Hair brush

  • Hand cream

  • Face cream

  • Lip balm

  • Tennis ball (perfect for your partner to massage your lower back with during labour)

  • Nipple cream

  • Alice band

  • 6 pairs of cheap black knickers

  • 2 maternity nighties/loungewear

  • A dressing gown (even in the summer, a thin dressing gown is really useful)

  • Socks

  • Slippers or flip-flops

  • Maternity pads and sanitary towels (there will be a lot of blood afterwards, even if you have a c-section)

  • Breast pads

  • Nursing bras

  • Cold drink

  • Dextro energy tablets

  • 2 dark towels

  • Comfortable outfit to go home in

For baby…

  • Pack of newborn nappies

  • Cotton wool balls or water wipes

  • Hat

  • 4 baby grows

  • 4 vests

  • Cardigan

  • Blanket

  • Muslin

  • Formula and bottles (if you are bottle feeding)

  • Disposable, ready-made formula bottles (a reassuring backup if you plan to breastfeed)

  • Coming home outfit

If you would prefer to print out your hospital packing list, we’ve put everything together in an easy 1-page PDF. It even has check boxes next to each item so that you can tick it off as you pack. Simply click the link below to download it now (no email address required).


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